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Underwriting Workbench Product Highlights – First Half of 2024

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Published on:18th July 2024
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As we pass the halfway point in 2024, the insurance landscape has continued to evolve with accelerated demands for AI in underwriting and insurers looking to move from process-driven to data-driven underwriting. 

Building on momentum from our last update, we’ve been enhancing our products to meet these evolving needs.  

We’ve since expanded capabilities within our Smart Submission and Delegated Underwriting Authority products, as well as making it easier for insurers to configure and optimise their workbench with Send Connect. We’ve also launched bespoke workflow templates for the London Market to help insurers manage these complex risks. 

Here’s the latest summary of our Q1 and Q2 2024 product highlights:  

Enhanced Smart Submission 

Many underwriters we talk to struggle with managing email submission chaos. They often receive one email relating to many risks, or several emails related to a single risk. We’ve enhanced Smart Submission to address this: 

What’s New? 

  • Link Submissions to Multiple Risks: Now, you can link a single submission to multiple risks. This provides better context, especially for handling MTAs (Mid-Term Adjustments) and renewals. 
  • Streamlined Process: Forget about saving attachments and copying data from emails. With Smart Submission, you can directly connect emails to your risks, simplifying the submission process. 


  • Improved Efficiency: Save time and reduce manual work. 
  • Enhanced Decision-Making: Gain a comprehensive view of risks over time. 
  • Better Data Management: Easily manage and view all submission data in one place.
Submission insights 

We have been reviewing the task management functionality we introduced and working closely with customers to improve the user experience. Our enhanced dashboards now make it easier and quicker for users to identify their relevant tasks, providing deeper submission insights directly from within our workbench. 

This covers all key metrics such as submission volumes, processing time, priority statuses, conversion rates, and other key SLA metrics for a comprehensive view of your submission-to-quote ratio.  

These can be filtered and analysed to provide a clear picture of processing times for operations teams or impact on conversion rates for underwriting teams – without needing external reporting tools.  

Available within the Send Underwriting Workbench or as a feed to your own reporting tools, this provides insurers with actionable insights that can be used to inform your submission strategy. 

Delegated Underwriting Authority 

We’ve made two main enhancements in our Delegated Underwriting Authority (DUA) product: 

Adding multiple additional Delegated Entities/Coverholders to your binder 

We have given carriers the ability to set up a program/binder and designate a principal Delegated Entity while adding multiple sub-coverholders to accommodate more complex organisational structures. 

Delegated Entity relationships 

Additionally, you can capture the hierarchy of a Delegated Entity to reflect its group and organisational structure, such as linking offices under the same parent company or designating subsidiaries within a group. 

These improvements allow insurers to view and manage organisational structures at the Delegated Entity level more effectively and handle multiple related or unrelated entities within the binder view. 

Send Connect 2.0 

Send Connect has always been at the heart of our workbench as an insurance-focused integration platform and has been the base for our pre-built connectors and Underwriting Workbench connectivity.  

We have been working to evolve these capabilities into a self-service, low-code platform – providing insurers with even greater control and flexibility. 

Send Connect 2.0 will provide insurers with a user-friendly platform that makes it easy to configure and optimise their workbench. Send’s aim is to help you deliver value to your business quicker. Here’s how: 

  • A low-code interface to intuitively configure and manage your Underwriting Workbench – you can quickly build and deploy new workflows and manage changes in-house. 
  • Pre-built components, workflows and LOBs ready for rapid product delivery and business growth 
  • Expansive API library so you can integrate seamlessly with existing systems or data services via APIs directly from the platform. 

We will be announcing more this quarter, watch this space for more details!  

London Market workflow templates 

We’ve also launched new workflows specifically built for the London Market. 

This has been developed to meet the unique requirements of Lloyd’s and London Market underwriters, enabling them to manage complex commercial and specialty risks with greater efficiency and accuracy. 

This supports both open-market and delegated underwriting, handling multi-section programs, risk codes, and subscription markets.  

These new templates are pre-configured for immediate operational readiness, ensuring insurers can quickly adapt and scale their operations to meet the demands of the evolving market.  

Learn more about our London Market capabilities here. 

Looking ahead  

As we continue to expand our Underwriting Workbench, we expect to see increased demand for deep (functionally- rich) workbenches as insurers shift towards data-driven underwriting. We have built a new Underwriting Maturity Framework to help insurance underwriters think about the shift within their own organisation. You can download a copy of the Underwriting Maturity Framework here. 

We encourage you to speak to us about your requirements and connect with our team to learn more.  


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